Mi. Apr 24th, 2024

CrossFit wins the hearts of athletes around the world and in our country as well. CrossFit fans are attracted by the versatility and variability of functional training, the excitement that is present during the WOD, the ability to quickly tone the body, lose extra pounds and use the acquired skills in everyday life.

Tak kak v krossfite ispol’zuyut samyye raznyye dinamicheskiye uprazhneniya i sam kompleks yavlyayetsya ochen’ intensivnym, vashemu telu neobkhodima adaptatsiya k takogo roda nagruzkam. Pervoye chto vam pridetsya sdelat’ – eto podgotovit’ serdtse: nachat’ s kardio. S nagruzkoy dlya serdtsa ne stoit speshit’, poetomu kardio trenirovkam udelite osoboye vnimaniye. V etom voprose ochen’ polezen pul’sometr. S nim v protsesse zanyatiya vy smozhete otslezhivat’ pul’s i vovremya delat’ peredyshku.
Since a variety of dynamic exercises are used in CrossFit and the complex itself is very intense, your body needs to adapt to this kind of stress. The first thing you have to do is prepare your heart: start with cardio. You should not rush with a load for the heart, so pay special attention to cardio training. A heart rate monitor is very useful in this matter. With him in the process of training, you can track your pulse and take a break in time.

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