So. Jun 16th, 2024

Global azelaic acid market is projected to witness a CAGR of 7.1% during the forecast period 2024-2031, growing from USD 251.67 million in 2023 to USD 436.31 million in 2031F. The market expansion is supported by the expansion of the personal care and cosmetics industry, rising requirement from the pharmaceutical sector, and increased product utilization for manufacturing of sealant chemicals and adhesives.

The rising pharmaceutical sector’s requirement for azelaic acid is boosting its global market size. The product finds applications in the pharmaceutical sector for treating various skin diseases, including hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and acne vulgaris. It has been documented in treating keratosis pilaris, perioral inflammation, and psoriasis vulgaris. The broad mechanism of action of azelaic acid includes thioredoxin inhibition. The thioredoxin enzyme regulates the tyrosinase activity with the help of a feedback mechanism that involves the transfer of electrons to intracellular thioredoxin. Furthermore, the thioredoxin/thioredoxin reductase system acts as an electron donor for DNA- regulating ribonucleotide reductases. The thioredoxin reductase inhibition by azelaic acid provides a rationale for the reversible inhibition of DNA synthesis and the depigmentation of some bacteria responsible for causing acne vulgaris. Thus, boosting their utilization for treating the condition.

The increasing adoption of skincare product is one of the major global azelaic acid market trends. For instance, according to the estimates of Cosmetics Europe, Market Performance Report 2022, skin care accounts for a significant share of the European Cosmetics Industry and was valued at USD 27 billion (EUR 25.6 billion). These figures indicate the investments towards skincare products by general population are increasing. The increase is bolstering the requirement for azelaic acid and supporting the expansion of the market as the product finds applications in skincare products due to its ability to kill acne causing bacteria present on the skin and unclog pores. Azelaic acid can aid in making the skin tone even by relieving the skin from toxins and free radicals that cause damage to the cells.

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Rising Requirement for Lubricants Support Market Growth

The wide range of applications of lubricants in various industries is boosting azelaic acid demand from various regions across the globe. For instance, as per the estimates of the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, from April 2022 to March 2023, the Indian automotive industry produced 2.59 million vehicles, including commercial vehicles, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, quadricycles, and passenger vehicles against the 2.30 million vehicles from April 2021 to March 2023. The increased production provides lucrative growth opportunities to the market as it will boost the requirement for lithium complex grease formulations, which find usage in automotive wheel bearing applications along with lubrication of universal joints, tools, couplings, and gears.

Azelaic acid is widely deployed as a complexing agent in lithium complex grease formulations owing to the wide range of benefits offered by the chemical including enhanced mechanical stability, oil separation properties, high dropping points, and water resistance. Therefore, the rising requirement for lithium complex grease formulations due to the expansion of the automotive sector is augmenting the demand for azelaic acid and positively influencing the market’s growth.

Novel Product Launches by Cosmetic Companies Boost Market Demand

The introduction of various new products by skincare companies to meet the changing requirements of consumers is increasing the demand for azelaic acid in the cosmetics industry. Due to rising consumer concerns, companies are investing in the development of different skincare products that offer high efficacy while treating skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and acne. The growing development and demand for such skincare products will augment the requirement for azelaic acid as the chemical allows the effective treatment of such conditions.

Moreover, various celebrities are launching their beauty brands that provide efficient solutions for women struggling with sun damage, dark spots, acne scars, and photo-aging. For instance, in 2023, Molly Sims, an American actress and model, launched YSE Beauty with six foundational SKUs. Thus, celebrity-owned product lines’ increasing popularity will boost the demand for different skincare products, thus bolstering the requirement for azelaic acid and aiding the market’s growth.

North America Holds Significant Share of the Market

The rapid expansion of pharmaceutical sector and increased requirement for skin care products are some of the major factors propelling the growth of North America azelaic acid market. The strong presence of various leading market players and rising investments by major skincare companies towards promotional and marketing activities are boosting the demand for skincare products, thus augmenting the requirement for azelaic acid as the chemical finds various applications in such products. Azelaic acid-based skincare products are available in various formulations including serum, cream, and gel.

The various functions offered by azelaic acid in skincare products include reduced redness, as the chemical helps in widening of the blood vessels, prevention from dark patches, and killing of acne causing bacteria. Therefore, the expansion of pharmaceuticals is rapidly boosting the product demand in the region. For instance, the United States pharmaceutical industry generated a revenue of USD 550 billion in 2021. The growth indicates an augmented requirement for various pharmaceutical products in the region, thus boosting the requirement for azelaic acid and aiding the growth of the market.

Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Accounts for Significant Market Share

The segment’s expansion can be attributed to various industrial applications of the technical grade azelaic acid due to its high-quality nature. The technical grade type finds major applications in pharmaceutical and skincare industries due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The bolaamphiphile is deployed as a spacer/linker in synthetic chemistry. Some of the other uses of the product include synthesis of supramolecular macrocyclic adducts and different metal-organic frameworks, fluorescent uranyl coordination polymers, and pH-responsive metallo-hydrogels as potential carriers for vitamin B12 and dye-absorbing agents. The technical grade type is used in pharmaceutical and skincare industries due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is primarily used for treating skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation, acne, and rosacea. For instance, according to the findings of researchers from the Wayne State University, Michigan, the United States, the worldwide incidences of rosacea are higher than 5% of the global population and commonly occurs in adults between 30-50 years. The condition is known to affect females more than males. Due to such high prevalence of the condition, the demand for technical grade azelaic acid is increasing to effectively treat the condition.

Increasing Demand for Adhesives and Sealant Chemicals Supports Market Expansion

The adhesives and sealant chemicals segment will grow significantly over the forecast period. The increasing demand for adhesives and sealant chemicals can be attributed to rapid advancements in the construction and manufacturing sectors. The expansion of the construction industry is boosting the requirement for adhesives and sealant chemicals as these products are used for sealing and bonding materials such as metal, concrete, glass, and wood. For instance, The Associated General Contractors (AGC) of America, Inc., estimates that there were over 919,000 construction establishments in the United States in the first quarter of 2023. The construction sector creates structures worth approximately USD 2.1 trillion every year and employs 8 million individuals.

The growth of the construction sector is propelling the number of construction projects, thus augmenting the requirement for construction materials, including adhesives and sealant chemicals. It in turn, is boosting the growth of the market by augmenting the demand for azelaic acid as it is used in adhesives for enhancing their mechanical properties and increasing the flexibility and robustness of the adhesives. Also, as azelaic acid aids in improving the water barrier properties of the adhesives, preventing moisture-related issues and allowing the adhesives to maintain their integrity, the demand for the market is propelled.

Future Market Scenario (2024 – 2031F)

According to global azelaic acid market analysis, the development of new formulation technologies using liposomes have allowed the delivery of the drug across all the layers of the skin, while ensuring the accumulation of azelaic acid in the stratum corneum. At present, azelaic acid does not find routine applications in anti-cancer therapies, however, the studies conducted so far have revealed that the acid might find prospective applications in skin cancer. Meanwhile, various studies are underway to evaluate the efficacy of azelaic acid for treating face melasma. For instance, the VIST – Faculty of Applied Sciences is conducting an interventional study to evaluate the efficacy of Melanostop peeling for improving Melasma. The participants will receive four Melanostop peel treatments containing 6% phytic acid, 10% resorcinol, and 20% azelaic acid. The study is expected to conclude in December 2024. The study will bolster the demand for azelaic acid for dermatological applications, thus, boosting the market’s growth.

Report Scope

“Azelaic Acid Market Assessment, Opportunities and Forecast, 2017-2031F”, is a comprehensive report by Markets and data, providing in-depth analysis and qualitative and quantitative assessment of the current state of global azelaic acid market, industry dynamics, and challenges. The report includes market size, segmental shares, growth trends, opportunities, and forecast between 2024 and 2031F. Additionally, the report profiles the leading players in the industry mentioning their respective market share, business model, competitive intelligence, etc.

Mr. Vivek Gupta
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