Fr. Aug 23rd, 2024
Hamburg (ots) – time of crime: 28.07.2017, 15:10 scene of crime: Hamburg, Barmbek-Nord, Fuhlsbüttler Straße

Police officers have arrested a person who is suspected to have injured several persons with a knive. The suspect is yet to be identified.

Findings so far say that the person entered a supemarket and suddenly started stabbing customers. The suspect, who was arrested in the meantime, fled from the store.

Wittnesses pursued the suspect and called the police. Police officers arrived shortly after that and were able to arrest the suspect on a street closely to the scene of crime.

Meanwhile we know that several persons suffered knife wounds, one of them deceased due to the severe injuries.

The police press spokesman is at the scene of crime and available for first hand comments.

Further information will follow.


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Polizei Hamburg Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Florian Abbenseth Telefon: +49 40 4286-56213 E-Mail:

Original-Content von: Polizei Hamburg, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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