Sa. Aug 24th, 2024
Hamburg (ots) – time of crime: 28.07.2017, 15:10 scene of crime: Hamburg, Barmbek-Nord, Fuhlsbüttler Straße

Meanwhile it is clear that the suspect attacked one of the victims in the supermarket. This person died at the scene of crime. While trying to escape the suspect injured additional four people with his knife.

Passers-by were able to overpower the fleeing suspect. The suspect was lighty injured. Arriving plainclothes policemen arrested the suspect.

For the time being there are no clues that there was a second offender.

The background of the act is yet to be explained. Investigations will continue.

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Polizei Hamburg Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Florian Abbenseth Telefon: +49 40 4286-56213 E-Mail:

Original-Content von: Polizei Hamburg, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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