Do. Jun 27th, 2024

Global edible flakes market was valued at USD 16.82 billion in 2023, expected to reach USD 31.14 billion in 2031, with a CAGR of 8% for the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The market is primarily influenced by dietary trends, customer preferences, and new product developments. As people prioritize healthier breakfast options, edible flakes are becoming increasingly popular, fueling the market expansion. Global edible flakes market is increasing low-sugar choices without artificial additives. Consumers prefer flakes with healthy elements such as nuts, whole grains, seeds, and more.

Plant-based edible flakes are becoming increasingly popular due to the growing vegan population. Also, gluten-free choices are adding to the popularity as individuals prioritize their health. Amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa are being employed as alternative ingredients for making edible flakes to meet changing customer needs. Nutritional yeast flakes, which are high in vitamins and may be used as a substitute for cheese, are seeing an increase in demand as people become more vegan.

Furthermore, to maximize convenience, manufacturers are expanding their packaging portfolios to include single-serve packaging and on-the-go packs. Novel items, such as flavored flakes and others loaded with vitamins and key nutrients, aid in capturing the attention of clients looking for distinctive functional food alternatives.

With the growth of e-commerce platforms, the edible flakes market has enhanced distribution channels, allowing consumers to select and order from a diverse selection of local and international brands.

In conclusion, rising consumer health consciousness and the availability of a diverse variety of products in both offline and online channels are propelling the expansion of global edible flakes market. Manufacturers are developing novel and healthy options to meet consumers’ evolving diverse dietary demands.

In January 2024, the renowned brand Kellogg’s launched a new chocolate flavor for its existing Corn Flakes range. The company claims this new addition to be non-HFSS, which is fibre-rich and contains Vitamin D. The flakes are coated with cocoa to give them a crunchy chocolaty taste.

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Use of Unconventional Ingredients Drive the Market Growth

Innovation in the form of combining unusual and distinctive ingredients, such as bran, quinoa, nutrient-rich seeds, and others, drive the growth of the global edible flakes market. To satisfy the tastes of experimenting foodies, producers blend these components into their products to give consumers a variety of flavors and textures. Customers are increasingly drawn to breakfast selections fit their nutritional requirements, as there is a growing emphasis on healthier options. Additionally, these chemicals promote market competitiveness by helping producers set their products apart from others. It promotes market innovation, with functional foods serving as the main offering. In July 2023, Kirin Holdings collaborated with Kellogg’s Japan to add a new product, All-Bran Immune Care, to Kellogg’s All-Bran series. The companies tried to enhance the taste of the bran flakes by adding dried fruits. The product targets those who do not prefer eating cereals and is marketed as good for digestive health.

Consumers Choosing Sustainable Alternatives to Traditional Animal-based Products

Edible flakes made from plants are a major invention for flakes that may be eaten instead of animal ones. Manufacturers are adopting plant-based ingredients like legumes and vegetable proteins, among others, to mimic the flavor, texture, and nutritional profile of animal-based protein sources, especially catering to consumers following the vegan trend and seeking sustainable protein sources. Consumers who care about their own well-being, the environment, and animal welfare drive demand for these substitutes. These flaky dishes’ flavors and textures appeal to vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians, as well as those who want to cut back on their intake of non-vegetarian food. In September 2023, Squeaky Bean, owned by The Compleat Food Group Limited, launched tuna style flakes to provide plant-based alternative of tuna by replicating its taste and texture. The product is a rice Omega-3 source and contains high protein content, made from using 100% plant-based ingredients.

Additionally, powerful branding, advertising, and distribution strategies could be essential to educating consumers about the advantages of plant-based flakes and stimulating demand in a fierce market.

North America Holds the Dominant Share

In 2023, North America emerged as the largest regional market for edible flakes since it is home to nations, such as the United States, which have high morning cereal consumption rates. Additionally, people in the zone are progressively incorporating healthier food items into their regular diets, with wheat and cereal snacks. Growing obesity-related issues in the territory are creating new markets for the product. The dominance is followed by Asia-Pacific, which is expected to grow at a high CAGR for the forecast period, 2024-2031. It is due to working-class consumers and recent college graduates in countries, such as China and India, who are increasingly embracing ready-to-eat breakfast options. Due to variety in meal preparations, India is amongst the nations which has consumption of rice flakes. Additionally, corn flakes are a gaining trend among the nation’s consumers.

Future Market Scenario (2024 – 2031F)

  • The demand for plant-based alternatives is expected to rise. The offerings are not limited to providing alternatives for animal-based protein sources, but for traditional cereal flakes. Incorporation of seeds, legumes, nuts, and ancient grains in the products will see a surge in the market.
  • With rising emphasis on sustainability, companies will produce eco-friendly packaging solutions as well as ethical manufacturing practices. Initiatives such as reducing food waste and adopting agricultural practices that are ethical and sustainable are expected to rise.
  • Customizable options are expected to enter global edible flakes market by introducing better and advanced technologies. Web applications and online platforms will play a huge role in driving the innovation where people can provide their dietary requirements and manufacturers can personalize the offerings accordingly.

Report Scope

“Edible Flakes Market Assessment, Opportunities and Forecast, 2017-2031F”, is a comprehensive report by Markets and Data, providing in-depth analysis and qualitative and quantitative assessment of the current state of global edible flakes market, industry dynamics, and challenges. The report includes market size, segmental shares, growth trends, opportunities, and forecast between 2024 and 2031. Additionally, the report profiles the leading players in the industry mentioning their respective market share, business model, competitive intelligence, etc.

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