Fr. Aug 9th, 2024

Project NameWater Supply Management SystemLanguage UsedPHP5.6, PHP7.xDatabaseMySQL 5.xUser Interface DesignHTML, AJAX,JQUERY,JAVASCRIPTWeb BrowserMozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERASoftwareXAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)Project Modules.

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In WSMS we use PHP and Mysql database. In this project any person can order drinking water bottle online. It has two modules admin and user.

  1. Dashboard: In this section admin can see all detail in brief like total order, total new order, total accept order, total order deliver, total cancel order, total company and total register user.
  2. Water Bottle info: In this section admin can manage water bottle(Add/Update).
  3. Company Info: In this section admin can manage company(Add/Update).
  4. Pages: In this section admin can update about us and contact us information.
  5. Orders Management: In this section admin can view the order details and they have also right to change order status according to current status.
  6. Latest News/Updates: In this section admin can manage news(Add/Update).
  7. Reg Users: In this section admin can view register users.
  8. Search: In this section admin can search particular order with the help of order number.
  9. Reports: In this section admin can view order details, order counts and sales report according to dates.

Admin can also update his profile, change password and recover password.
1.Water Bottle: In this section user can view which drinking bottle available.
2.My Accounts: In this section user can change his/her own password , view and update his/her profile and logout from accounts.
3.My orders: In this section user can view order history after login.
4.Cart: In this section user can add their drinking bottle which he/her want to order.
5User has also a facility to download his/her invoice and cancel order if he/her want to cancel.
Brief Information about homepage
On this page guest user can only view about us page, contact us page and which drinking bottle is available if anybody want to order the bottle they must registered.

How to run the Water Supply Management System (WSMS) Project

  1. Download the zip file
    2. Extract the file and copy wsms folder
    3.Paste inside root directory(for xampp xampp/htdocs, for wamp wamp/www, for lamp var/www/html)
    4. Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)
    5. Create a database with name wsmsdb
    6. Import wsmsdb.sql file(given inside the zip package in SQL file folder)
    7.Run the script http://localhost/wsms (frontend)
    Credential for admin panel :
    Username: admin
    Password: Test@123
    Credential for User panel :
    Password: Test@123

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